Sunday, August 21, 2011

Keel Continued - Butt Joints

Over the last few days I have cut out the remaining pieces for the keel sides and bottom.  I have joined them using butt blocks.  I have pre-drilled and countersunk and will be using silicone-bronze fasteners to attach the blocks.  The fasteners will not be removed.  I plan on using silicone-bronze fasteners for clamping purposes throughout the build and will also be leaving these in.  It sounds as though silicone-bronze is the standard used by professional and amateur boat builders.  I opted to use these fasteners also, considering the nominal increase in overall cost. Included are a few pictures of the keel bottom and sides, dry fit together. 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cutting out/fairing keel

Since my last post I have worked on cutting out my keel sections and fairing them up. Next I'll be cutting out the three 2 ft sections needed to bring the keel to it's 10 ft length.  I'll be mixing epoxy soon.  I've also included a shot of my douglas fir bow stem and the keel formers that have been roughly cut to size.  Things have been going slow but smooth so far.  I have a wedding to attend this Saturday so most of my weekend is spoken for.  I hope to have another progress post soon.
I'm pretty comfortable with my new Bosch barrel-grip jigsaw. It's a world of difference going from my Black and Decker.  Don't get me wrong, the Black and Decker does the trick, but...